Apportionment of Liability with Agency Inaction Compensation and Civil Compensation 行政不作为中行政与民事赔偿的责任分担
In such a case, the polluters will be held jointly liable, and the apportionment of liability will largely depend on what type and amount of pollutants were emitted by each respective polluter. 此种情形下,污染者应承担共同责任,责任的分担主要根据各污染者排放的污染物的种类和排放量而定。
Although apportionment of response costs among responsible parties is appropriate under CERCLA when there is a reasonable basis for division of the harm, joint and several liability is the general rule. 按照《综合性环境反应、赔偿与责任法案》,如果损害分割是合理的,那么对责任方之间的反应成本按比例划分是适当的。尽管如此,连带责任仍然作为通则。
On Apportionment of Liability for Factual Proof in Administrative Action 行政诉讼中事实证明者角色的分担